A symbol of Illinois through the embodiment of the Violet.
Chicago Kiosk
The objective of the design is to enhance the Chicago Lakefront year round by performing a function regardless of the season. The kiosk will open and close with a dramatic folding action of the petals mounted on the roof of the kiosk. The petals are dervied in form and colour of the violet, the State of Illinois flower. Throughout the hot summer, the unfolded kiosk will provide shade for visitors to sit comfortably and enjoy whatever commercial function the kiosk might serve. In winter, the kiosk will be folded closed to create a tall, sculptural form.
This allows the kiosk to remain an iconic attraction through the colder winter months, as its sculptural form will be illuminated from within transforming it into an attractive marker within the lakefront landscape. It will become a wayfinding point that will help visitors to navigate through the park or along the waterfront at night and in winter. Thus, the kiosk will be both a social gathering place when open and an intriguing piece of sculpture during winter.