Moller Architects

Auckland Studio
601/150 Karangahape Road
Auckland 1010

Kapiti Studio
7 Sims Road
Te Horo 
Otaki 5581

t: +64 9 3570686​



Lower Hutt


Woolyarns Factory & Offices

NZIA National Award 

Woolyarns is a company that dyes and spins high quality yarn for the textile industry.

The building located in Wingate Lower Hutt comprises offices and staff facilities, dye house, and production areas for spinning using computer controlled Hi-tech spinning mules.

The company encourages staff welfare and believes that the work environment should be beneficial to employees. Hence, natural light and views to the surroundings; a cafe with courtyard, and well designed staff facilities are all inherent in the design.

Construction is of “off the boxing” reinforced concrete left natural, white painted blockwork, and steel framed canopies and verandahs. Paving planting and landscaping using New Zealand Natives, creates open spaces around the cluster of industrial buildings.

Woolyarns Factory & Offices