
He Puna Marama Leadership Academy

He Puna Marama Maumahara Building

The He Puna Marama Maumahara Leadership Academy project provides for a range of dedicated spaces to fulfill the needs of the Leadership Academy for large gatherings. The project re purposes the two existing industrial sheds on the site in Whangarei, that with minimal means and budget, transforms the spaces into the following spaces. An assembly space for large gatherings in one hall with new openings to facility powhiri and welcome, a mess hall for military style dining and eating together with kitchen and toilet facilities and a mezzanine for a casual lounge space for senior students.

The exterior forecourt to the east is upgraded to allow for large gatherings and assembly. The form of the building is maintained from the existing industrial shed and transformed with the addition of new cladding, profiled metal roofing together with areas of translucent corrugated cladding. New large sliding doors on an industrial scale are added to connect the interior spaces with the outside gathering place with canopies providing shelter from the sun and rain. New window openings are provided to increase natural light within the spaces and connect the interior to the river views and beyond..
